
S1mple The Undertaker – What Makes Na’Vi tick?

The most electric player in CS:GO is s1mple, a player who never disappoints. Here is a breakdown of s1mple and his teammates, with crucial information about the way their team functions and CS:GO betting information.


Na’Vi is an unfortunately disappointing team. You wouldn’t think it from their results, which look like that of a mid to high tier team. They’re routinely in the mix at tier one LANs, they have a couple of tournament wins over the last year, for most teams that would be enough. But most teams don’t have s1mple. Na’Vi carries on their shoulders the hopes of the entire CIS region, which in turn sit on the shoulders of last year’s number one player in the world.

Map Pool

Na’Vi has an unfortunately shallow map pool. They have only three maps above a 55% win rate, Mirage, Train, and Overpass, while the back end of their map pool is weak, with Dust 2 at 53.3%, Inferno at 50%, and Nuke at 44.4%. They permaban Cache and have pretty much since their inception as a team.

The addition of Vertigo to the map pool could be a boon for Na’Vi, seeing as how it replaced their permaban. If they’re willing to work on the new map and get good on it, which hypothetically isn’t that hard seeing as how no one plays it right now, they would be able to make Nuke their permaban. Taking Nuke out of their rotation would mean they’d be in a much stronger position in best of threes against Astralis, as they have historically been a really bad matchup for this team.

The weakest part of Na’Vi’s map pool is the fact that Inferno is their second most played map, and it only has a 50% win rate. If opposing teams can ban Mirage, their most played map with a 68.4% win rate, that leaves Na’Vi without a truly advantageous comfort pick, as their Inferno has been iffy.

Team Leaders

K/D Ratio: s1mple 1.49

Surprise, surprise, s1mple has the best K/D on the team. There aren’t any teams you could put s1mple on where he wouldn’t have the best K/D. It’s getting a little silly for anyone to be this good.
Beyond the absurdly high number, there are two particular factors I want to highlight about s1mple’s stats that make his K/D even more impressive. The first is his consistency. In the past six months, s1mple has had a 1+ rating in 91% of his maps played, despite winning only 56.4% of them. His best 1+ rating streak was 32 maps, which tops any other carry for any other team in the top 20. Essentially, s1mple is the number one guy you’d want to bet on at any international LAN. While he may not always win the games, he’ll always put on a show.

The other neat statistic is his weapon usage. S1mple is the main AWPer for Na’Vi, which is something that I’ve never been a fan of. It limits his usefulness on the T side, especially seeing as how he has the talent of a transcendent rifler. Regardless of whether or not you agree with me, his performance as a hybrid is second to none. S1mple has 49.91% of his kills with the AWP, and 27.79% with the AK, which is an unusual split. Most players would lean heavier in one direction or the other, but s1mple manages to be elite while splitting his time pretty close to evenly, especially for a player considered a main AWPer.

Flash Leader: Zeus

The flash statistics reveal some interesting things about the structure of Na’Vi. For example, where would you expect to see s1mple on this list? Likely near the bottom, right? He’s the star player, so surely his team must be expanding their resources in an attempt to secure kills, not the other way around.

S1mple throws the second most flashes on the team, behind Zeus. The player with the least flashes thrown is none other than flamie, which makes more sense. S1mple is Na’Vi’s best asset in the server, so risking him in opening duels trying to secure a 5v4 is silly. It makes far more sense for him to hang back and work, expending his utility to help his teammates open up the map.

Maybe the most impressive thing about Na’Vi’s flash stats is Zeus’s enemy flashed time. He’s blinding enemies for an average of 1.93 seconds per round, which is a huge deal. While Zeus may not be the best contributor in the fragging department, an average two second flash time per round should be enough to score a kill several times per half. Since Na’Vi also has s1mple, closing out 5v4’s is a rather simple task, so Zeus’s flash success rate is a major enabler to the team success.

Clutches: electronic

Electronic’s numbers are impressive. 22 1v1 wins and 12 losses put him at a 54% win rate, which is nothing to sneeze at. Electronic is widely regarded as the second best player on this team, which is a fairly accurate statement since flamie’s form has taken a serious hit in the last year or so. With flamie taking so much early round aggro, and s1mple being the player most likely to force duels in the mid-round, clutches frequently fall to electronic which he handles admirably. They were never his forte as a player till he landed on Na’Vi, but he has adapted excellently.

The sleeper pick for this category is Edward. He’s only been in 20 1v1s in the last six months, but he’s won 16 of them, putting him at an 80% win rate. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, as veteran players are often excellent in the clutch, as they are usually situations that require experience and a capacity to outwit or outthink the opponent, all of which are things that veteran CS:GO players have in excess.

Opening Duels: Flamie

It should come as no surprise at this point that flamie is Na’Vi’s best and most common opener. He takes the opening duel 21.7% of the time and comes away with a kill about 47.9% of the time. What may look confusing about this stat is, s1mple takes 20.9% of their opening duels and wins 64.2% of them. So why isn’t he taking more?

The answer is, a 4v5 without s1mple is essentially a lost round for Na’Vi. Whereas a 4v5 without flamie is around they still have a chance in. Risking s1mple at the beginning of the round will lead to Na’Vi securing a fair number of rounds, but it will also likely lose them almost as many. Using flamie in conjunction with well-placed utility will give them a similar chance to take the first pick without risking their best asset.

Donald Weber

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