All posts by Chris Blain

Golf Course - Golf Terms

How to Talk Golf

If you were an alien who had landed on earth and come upon a golf course, you might think you had discovered a completely different world.

After all, they do a lot of things differently in golf. You have to dress a certain way. Your behavior needs to follow the etiquette becoming of a sport long known as the “gentleman’s game.” You even need to use antiquated terminology that can feel like a different language.

That last part is why we wrote this article. There are a lot of words and terms used on a golf course that can be confusing to people who have played the sport, not to mention those who are just learning about golf for the first time.

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Why Is Knowing Golf Terminology Important?

It’s valuable to know the terms of golf if you’re playing or even if you’re just watching it on TV. If you know what everyone else is talking about and what the rules are, you’re going to understand the game a lot better.

And since this is a site that offers gambling information and advice, I’m guessing you are also interested in betting on golf. If that’s the case, you absolutely need to know the various terminologies used in golf. That’s because a lot of the rules on golf wagers use these terms, and you don’t want to be betting on anything that you don’t understand.

For example, what if you place a live bet on a player to “hit the fairway” or to “score a birdie” on the next hole? Or what if you’ve got a wager on how many “putts” a player will attempt in a round (the definition of “putt” is not as obvious as you think). Even if you think you’ve got a pretty good handle on golf terminology, I recommend using this article as a refresher course, just to make sure.

The Golf Terms You Need to Know

Okay, now that we’ve established why it’s important to know the different golf terminology used commonly on the course by broadcasters and by betting sites, let’s start digging in. We’ll start with some of the more well-known and obvious terms, then get down to a few of the words that aren’t as understood.

1. Par

Par is a standard number of shots in which golfers are expected to finish a hole. For example, if par on a hole is 4, it suggests a golfer should typically complete the hole in 4 shots. If the golfer were to complete the hole in 3 shots, he or she would be finishing the hole below par, while needing 5 shots or more would be finishing above par.

Par on a hole can be as low as 3 and as high as 5, although the majority of holes on a golf course have a par of 4. As a general rule, par is set by the number of shots it would realistically take a golfer to reach the green (the area where the hole is located), then adding 2 shots to putt the ball into the hole. So, if a green is reachable in 1 shot (i.e., 250 yards or less from the tee), par would be 3 (1 shot to get to the green, plus 2 shots to putt the ball into the hole). If a green required 3 shots to reach (i.e., 500-plus yards), par would be 5 (3 shots to the green, plus 2 shots to putt the ball into the hole.)

Par can also be used as a collective term for how a player is scoring over multiple holes. For example, if the combined par of all the holes on a course is 72, a player who shoots an 18-hole score of 84 would have shot 12-over-par (84 minus 72).

Although many people consider par to be another word for average, the usage of the word in golf is derived from an old stock exchange term that a stock may be above or below its normal (par) figure.

2. Tee Box

A tee box is located at the start of every golf hole, marking the only time on a hole that golfers are permitted to use a tee (a wood or plastic peg that holds the ball off the ground) when hitting a shot.

Different colors of tees denote the different starting points for each golfer, based on their gender and caliber. A women’s tee box (commonly known as the red tees) will typically be located closer to the green, while the tee box for professional players (black or gold tees) will be the furthest away.

Golfers must hit their first shot from within a pair of tee markers that mark the front and sides of the tee box. They are allowed to tee their ball up as far as two club-lengths behind the tee markers. Hitting the first shot from outside of the tee box results in a penalty.

3. Green

Each hole on a golf course ends with a green, where the flag and cup are located. The grass on greens is cut exceptionally short in order to make a golfer’s final shots more difficult while also enabling them to be more precise and accurate. Greens vary in size, shape, and especially contour, all designed to make the final shot more challenging.

Since landing the ball on the green is a golfer’s main objective after hitting his tee shot, the stat “Greens in Regulation” is a way to measure how accurate golfers are with their approach shots. In order to hit a green in regulation, the golfer must land their ball on the green in a number of shots that is two lower than par.

4. Fairway

Technically speaking, the fairway isn’t actually defined in the rules of golf. However, it’s a commonly-used term that describes the shorter-mown area of a course between the tee box and the green, typically marking the pathway that a golfer wants to take to the hole.

Hitting the ball into the fairway is ideal because hitting a shot out of the shorter grass is easier and more predictable than hitting a shot out of the longer grass that surrounds the fairway (also known as the rough, which we’ll get into next), and it’s also usually the most direct route to the hole. A player’s accuracy off the tee is often judged by how many fairways they hit with their first shot.

Although it’s unclear why the word “fairway” is used in golf, some believe its usage is based on an old nautical term for a navigable channel or best course to take.

5. Rough

As mentioned earlier, the rough on a golf course is the longer grass that surrounds the fairway. Hitting a shot into the rough usually results in a tougher next shot for a golfer since the long grass can slow down the speed of the clubhead or make it difficult to connect directly with the ball.

The length of grass in the rough can vary greatly by courses or even on just one hole. Some holes feature “intermediate rough” in which the grass is slightly longer than the fairway, followed by “primary rough” that is a bit longer but still maintained. Different lengths of rough are a way for the course to progressively penalize players according to the distance by which they miss the fairway.

The U.S. Open and the Open Championship (also known as the British Open) are two major golf tournaments known for having rough that is longer than normal, putting a premium on accuracy.

6. Putt

Contrary to popular belief, a putt isn’t necessarily any shot that is taken with the putter (the flat-bladed club used to hit the ball into the hole). Although putts are taken with the putter, a player must technically be on the green in order for the shot to be considered a putt.

This distinction is important because golfers will sometimes use their putter from off the green (such as the fringe or even the fairway) when they want to roll the ball to have more control of distance and direction. Any shot taken with the putter from off the green is not officially counted as a putt on a golfer’s statistics, such as average putts per hole or number of putts attempted during a round.

The word “putt” is based on a Scottish word that means “shove” or “push,” describing the different style of shot golfers use while on the green.

7. Birdie, Eagle, and Albatross

Birdie, eagle, and albatross are all terms used when a golfer completes a hole in fewer shots than par. A birdie is when a golfer scores 1 under par on a hole (4 shots on a par 5, for example), an eagle is when the golfer scores 2 under par (3 shots on a par 5), and an albatross is the extremely rare occasion when a golfer scores 3 under par (2 shots on a par 5).

According to the USGA website, the origin of the term “birdie” dates back to the late 1800s when Atlantic City golfer Abner Smith hit his second shot on a par 4 within inches of the cup. Smith referred to his near-miss as “a bird of a shot,” and after tapping in for 1 under par, he and his playing partners agreed to refer to such a score as a “birdie.”

Smith also said that 2 under par would be known as an “eagle,” one of the most elegant creatures in the bird kingdom. And although the exact origin of the use of “albatross” for 3 under par on one hole is unknown, naming such a difficult feat after one of the rarest birds in the world seems quite fitting.

8. Bogey

The term “bogey” is used when a golfer finishes a hole above par. Finishing 1 shot over par is simply a bogey, 2 over par is a double-bogey, 3 over par is a triple-bogey, and so on.

Ironically, the word “bogey” used to be a good thing. It’s based on a popular British song from the 1890s (The Bogey Man) and initially referred to the ideal score that a good player could make on a hole under perfect conditions. However, when the concept of par was introduced, bogey was relegated to describe when a player didn’t meet par.

9. Bunker

You may refer to them as sand traps, but the technical term for the pits of sand found throughout a golf course is actually bunkers. The term dates back to the 16th-century Scottish word “bonkar,” which means “a chest.”

Although bunkers at courses today are planned and built by course designers in an attempt to make the holes more challenging and penalize errant shots (especially around the green), their inclusion in golf came naturally. Most early golf courses were located near bodies of water, and sand either blew towards the sea or was carried towards it by small rivers, often settling in spots around the course.

Bunkers vary by size and depth (pothole bunkers that can be found on links courses are sometimes so deep that the golfer actually has to hit the ball backwards to get out of it) and are usually located beside the green or along the fairway. Unless they are waste bunkers (naturally sandy areas), sand traps are considered hazards by the rules of golf, meaning that golfers will incur a penalty if they touch the sand with their club before hitting their shot.

10. Up and Down, Scrambling, and Sand Save

The terms “up and down,” “scrambling,” and “sand save” are all used to indicate a golfer’s ability to avoid a poor score with some excellent play around the green.

Up and down is when a golfer pitches or chips a shot onto the green, then successfully putts the ball into the hole on his next shot. A golfer successfully scrambles when he chips or putts from less than 50 yards off the green, then sinks his next putt to score par or better. A sand save is similar to a scramble, except the shot from off the green must come out of a bunker located 50 yards or closer to the green.

Stats in all of these categories are tracked by official golf sites, including

11. Gimme

A “gimme” is when a player’s ball is so close to the hole that his playing partners/opponents concede the shot, rather than making him actually putt into the cup. Giving a player a gimme is both a form of courtesy and a way to keep play moving at a faster pace.

However, gimmes are not permitted by the official rules of golf, especially in tournament play. That’s why you won’t see any gimmes handed out on the PGA Tour or in any other professional competition. It simply wouldn’t be fair to the rest of the players in the field, just in case the player were to miss what looks like an automatic putt.

12. Mulligan

Like gimmes, mulligans are a courtesy that amateur players extend each other on the course in order to keep the game moving. If a player hits a horrible shot (out of bounds, for example), a mulligan allows them to hit a second shot without counting the first one on their scorecard.

According to the PGA, the term is named after an actual person, although which person it was is still debated. Some believe it’s named after Canadian amateur David Bernard Mulligan, who once blamed an errant first shot of his round on having numb hands after driving to the course on a bumpy road. Others suggest the term is named after New Jersey locker room attendant John Mulligan, who begged his playing partners for a second chance to hit his first shot because they had been practicing all morning and he had not.

Mulligans are not legal under the rules of golf, so just like gimmes, you won’t see them awarded in professional play. Otherwise, Jean van de Velde might just have won the 1999 British Open after all.


Golf is a technical game, and the terminology used in the sport can be very technical as well. For example, did you know that any shot taken with the putter while off the green isn’t actually considered a putt?

A complete understanding of all the various terms used in golf will help you enjoy the sport more, and it’ll also ensure that there are no unpleasant surprises in any golf bet you make. It wouldn’t be fun to think you’d won a bet on how many birdies a player would score during a round, only to realize after the fact that you’d actually wagered on how many bogeys he would get instead.

The Complete Guide To Betting on The 2018 Kentucky Derby

The Kentucky Derby is the showcase of horse racing in the United States. It is a Grade 1 stakes horse race for three-year-old thoroughbreds held annually on the first Saturday of May at Churchill Downs, Louisville, Kentucky in the United States.

Also known as the Race for the Roses, the one and a quarter mile race will be held for the 144th time on May 5th.The post time for this year’s race is set at 6:34 pm ET but the race will start 12 minutes after.

This year’s field consists of 20 horses, racing for the prize money of $2M. The field is considered deep, with several horses given good chances of winning. We’ll break down some of the factors to consider, the favorites, the odds and our pick for this year’s race.

Post Position History

Post positioning may not matter much or even not at all in a one and one-fourth mile race like the Kentucky Derby. Ultimately it’s going to go down to stamina and luck, but some post position stats are quite interesting and maybe worth noting.

According to, 2017 winner Always Dreaming was one of 10 horses to win the Kentucky Derby from post position no. 5. That’s the most wins for any of the 20 positions in the race. Post no. 10 has produced the 2nd most winners at 9. On the other hand, no horse has won the race from post position no. 17 and only one each has won from post nos. 18, 19 and 20.

Meanwhile, 25 horses have finished in the money from post position no. 2. That’s followed by post position no. 10 and 5 which has 24 and 21 in the money finishes, respectively. As with producing winners, post nos. 18-20 have produced the fewest ITM finishes with just a total of 9 between them.

Successful Trainers

Bob Baffert is looking for his first Kentucky Derby win since Triple Crown winner American Pharoah in 2015 and his fifth overall. Having Solomini and odds-on favorite Justify gives him a legit shot at that. Bravazo’s D. Wayne Lukas is also a four-time winner but has not won since Charismatic in 1999.

Todd Pletcher, the trainer of 2017 winner Always Dreaming, has two strong favorites in Audible and Magnum Moon. But aside from last year, his only other winner was Super Saver in 2010.

Since 2000 though, there have been 10 one-time winners. This gives the likes of Bolt D’Oro’s Mick Ruis and Mendelssohn’s Aidan O’Brien, who haven’t won one yet, a fair chance of winning with their horses being among the favorites.

Winning Jockeys

Justify will be ridden by Mike Smith, who won with Giacomo in 2005. Bolt D’Oro’s Victor Espinoza won back to back on California Chrome in 2014 and American Pharoah in 2015. Meanwhile, John Velasquez hopes to repeat for Pletcher with Vino Rosso. My Boy Jack’s rider, Kent Desormeaux hasn’t won in 8 years.

Other than the names above, the other jockeys in the field don’t have Kentucky Derby winning experience. In fact, the last time we had a first time derby winner was in 2013 when Joel Rosario won with Orb.

The Favorites

The morning line favorite is chestnut colt Justify, the son of Scat Daddy. Trained by Bob Baffert, Justify had the best odds at 3-1. He was also the top horse in the final Kentucky Derby Media Poll released by

The undefeated Santa Anita Derby winner garnered a total of 315 poll points, including 7 out of the 17 first-place votes from the media panel. Joining Justify in the Top 5 are Bolt D’Oro ( 291 points ), Good Magic ( 282 points ), Audible ( 280 points ) and Mendelssohn ( 279 points ).

Justify has won all three of his races, including the Santa Anita Derby where he held off Bolt D’Oro by three lengths. Bolt D’Oro led all North American stallions with 7 Grade 1 wins.Audible won the Kentucky Derby just like what last year’s winner Always Dreaming did before winning at Churchill Downs. Mendelssohn won the UAE Derby by 18 ½ lengths.

The Complete Odds:

Bolt D’Oro, Magnum Moon, and Mendelssohn opened as betting favorites when the lines opened. But since then, the lines have moved and most recently, it has changed after the post position draw held on May 1.

Here are the results from the post position draw and the updated betting odds for the 2018 Kentucky Derby:

( post, horse, trainer, jockey )

  1. Firenze Fire, Jason Servis, Paco Lopez, 50-1
  2. Free Drop Billy, Dale Romans, Robby Albarado, 30-1
  3. Promises Fulfilled, Dale Romans, Corey Lanerie, 30-1
  4. Flameaway, Mark Casse, Jose Lezcano, 30-1
  5. Audible, Todd Pletcher, Javier Castellano, 8-1
  6. Good Magic, Chad Brown, Jose Ortiz, 12-1
  7. Justify, Bob Baffert, Mike Smith, 3-1
  8. Lone Sailor, Tom Amoss, James Graham, 50-1
  9. Hofburg, Bill Mott, Irad Ortiz Jr., 20-1
  10. My Boy Jack, Keith Desormeaux, Kent Desormeaux, 30-1
  11. Bolt d’Oro, Mick Ruis, Victor Espinoza, 8-1
  12. Enticed, Kiaran McLaughlin, Junior Alvarado, 30-1
  13. Bravazo, D. Wayne Lukas, Luis Contreras, 50-1
  14. Mendelssohn, Aidan O’Brien, Ryan Moore, 5-1
  15. Instilled Regard, Jerry Hollendorfer, Drayden Van Dyke, 50-1
  16. Magnum Moon, Todd Pletcher, Luis Saez, 6-1
  17. Solomini, Bob Baffert, Flavien Prat, 30-1
  18. Vino Rosso, Todd Pletcher, John Velazquez, 12-1
  19. Noble Indy, Todd Pletcher, Florent Geroux, 30-1
  20. Combatant, Steve Asmussen, Ricardo Santana Jr., 50-1
Our Pick

It’s easiest to believe firmly in Justify and Audible, not only because of their track record but also because of the team behind these horses. But don’t count out Mendelssohn just because he is untested in U.S. soil.

While Justify is the odds-on favorite as well as the media poll favorite, history is not on his side. No horse since Apollo in 1882 has won the Kentucky Derby after being unraced at the age of 2.

Justify is going against the 135 years Apollo Curse but if there’s a horse who breaks it, it’s him. His Beyer Speed Figure of 107 in the Santa Anita Derby is the highest in any Derby prep this year and the highest in the Kentucky Derby field. He’s a freak and he may be the real deal.

And yes, don’t forget that the odds-on favorite ( including co-favorites ) has won the Kentucky Derby in the last five years. Having said that, we’re picking Justify to win the 144th Kentucky Derby.

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Home Run Leader MLB 2018

Who Will Be MLB’s Home Run Leader in 2018?

Home runs were aplenty in Major League Baseball last season as a record 6,105 home runs were hit all over the majors during the 2017 season.

117 players drilled at least 20 home runs each, including 41 who connected on 30 or more long balls. Giancarlo Stanton led MLB with 59 homers on his way to winning the NL MVP award. Meanwhile, Aaron Judge led the AL with 52 home runs, setting an AL rookie record for most home runs. Out in the NL, Cody Bellinger also set a rookie mark with his 39 long balls.

With the 2018 season already underway, let’s take a look at the betting odds (according to Bovada as of March 28, 2018) top 10 picks to lead the majors in home runs this season.

Giancarlo Stanton +375

Giancarlo Stanton led the major league with 59 home runs last season, and his move to Yankee Stadium from Marlins Park should give him more opportunities to hit the long balls, owing to shorter left and right field walls. Likewise, the AL East has some of the top 10 hitter-friendly ballparks, which is the stark opposite of the NL East (where Stanton used to reside), which has four of the bottom five hitter-friendly ballparks.

Aaron Judge +600

The next-best odds belong to Giancarlo Stanton’s Yankees teammate Aaron Judge. The breakout star of 2017 had 52 home runs to lead the American League. But critics will argue that he is going to have a “sophomore slump” and how opposing teams now have one season of tape to scout and analyze him. But don’t let that make you devalue him, because remember that in last September, opponents already had five months of Aaron Judge tape, but he still made 15 home runs, his best of the 2017 season.

Joey Gallo +1500

He might be the best pick for your bet on this list. The Texas Rangers’ Joey Gallo had 41 home runs in 2017, and while that was fewer than Stanton’s and Judge’s, Gallo had the faster speed off the bat at 107.61 mph compared to the two. Gallo also ranked next to Stanton with 17 No Doubters (no-doubt home runs), so that speaks a lot about his ability to drive home the long balls. His 196 strikeouts may look like a red flag, but given that he is only 24 years old, expect his discipline on the plate to improve with time.

Bryce Harper +1500

With the thought of being the next half-billion-dollar man in baseball, Bryce Harper is going to get plenty of attention, 2018 being a contract year for him. Harper led the National League in home runs with 42 during his MVP year in 2015, but he’s not made 30 home runs in any season other than 2015, so you’ve got to be worried a bit.

J.D. Martinez +1500

He joined Bryce Harper, Jay Bruce, and Kris Bryant with 29 homers last season, 19th-most in the National League. But 29 was just his total with the Arizona Diamondbacks. If we count his 57 games with the Detroit Tigers, Martinez’s season total would be 45, putting him behind Stanton (59) and Judge (52).

Nolan Arenado +1800

Nolan Arenado is one of the most prolific long-ball hitters in MLB in the past three seasons, with his three-year total topping the National League. In 2015, he tied with Bryce Harper for most home runs in the NL with 42. A year later, his 41 homers were tied with Chris Carter for tops in the NL, and last year, his 37 total was tied for third.

Cody Bellinger +2000

Cody Bellinger set the Dodgers’ record for most home runs by a rookie last year with 39 (2nd-best in the NL), breaking the team standard of 35 set by Mike Piazza in 1993. Bellinger also had six multi-home-run games last season, and the only rookie to have more multi-homer games was Mark McGwire in 1987.

Mike Trout +2500

Mike Trout is probably the most decorated man on this list. The back-to-back All-Star MVP in 2014 and 2015 is also a five-time Silver Slugger awardee and a one-time winner of the Hank Aaron award. The American League MVP in 2014 and 2016, Trout’s 33 home runs last season ranked 22nd in the American League. His career best was 41 in 2015 when he finished 5th in the AL.

Khris Davis +2500

Often overlooked, this Oakland A’s outfielder is worth the gamble at these odds because he’s hit a combined 85 home runs during the past two seasons, and that’s no joke. Davis finished second to Stanton last season and was tied for third in 2016 in the American League’s home run leaders.

Manny Machado +2800

Baltimore Orioles’ third baseman Manny Machado has hit at least 30 home runs in each of the last three seasons. Machado’s 470 blast off CC Sabathia last season is the longest home run at Yankee Stadium in the Statcast era (since 2015).

So those are your top 10. Looking farther down the list, here are the remaining picks for one of baseball’s most prestigious honors:

  • Kris Bryant +3000
  • Josh Donaldson +3000
  • Paul Goldschmidt +3000
  • Rhys Hoskins +3300
  • Nelson Cruz +3500
  • Edwin Encarnacion +3500
  • Matt Olson +3500
  • Freddie Freeman +4000
  • Miguel Sano +4000
  • Chris Davis +4000
  • Anthony Rizzo +5000
  • George Springer +5000
  • Mark Trumbo +5000
  • Kyle Schwarber +5000
  • Carlos Correa +6000
  • Joey Votto +6000
  • Gary Sanchez +7000
  • Adam Duvall +8000
  • Yoenis Cespedes +8000
  • Marcell Ozuna +9000
  • Logan Morrison +9000
  • Charlie Blackmon +10000
  • Mike Moustakas +10000
  • Francisco Lindor +10000
  • Justin Smoak +10000
  • Rafael Devers +10000
  • Brian Dozier +10000
  • Jose Abreu +10000
  • Miguel Cabrera +10000

Who Will It Be?

The Yankees led the majors with 241 home runs last season. During the offseason, they only added NL MVP Giancarlo Stanton, whose 59 home runs led the Major League. The Yankees are likely targeting the 1997 Seattle Mariners’ record of 264 home runs during their 90-win season. With Stanton and Judge, that is not far-fetched.

It’s fair to expect Stanton and Judge to make at least 40 home runs each this season. But for them to replicate their season totals from last season would be asking too much. Since Jose Bautista in 2010 and 2011, no one has repeated as the home run leader in back-to-back seasons. So much for Stanton. As for Judge? That was a magical rookie season last year, but because it was magical, he’s due for a little regression.

Our Pick

Moving to Fenway Park is going to be advantageous to J.D. Martinez’s power. Martinez homered 45 times last season in just 489 at-bats. That’s impressive. And with the change of scenery, he’s probably going to hit at least 50 this season. So yeah, we’re picking J.D. Martinez to lead the MLB in home runs this season.

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NBA Playoffs

NBA Playoff Odds, Preview and Predictions For April 28-29, 2018

The second round of the NBA Playoffs has officially begun. But the cast is not complete as we still need two teams to complete the Final Eight.

The defending NBA champions Warriors will open the 2nd round at home against the upset minded Pelicans while the NBA’s #1 team Houston Rockets will host the Utah Jazz. Who will draw first blood? Will the upset makers produce another shocker?

The Bucks visit the Celtics on April 28th to decide who plays the upstart Philadelphia 76ers in round 2 while the Cleveland Cavaliers host the Indiana Pacers to fight for the right to face the Toronto Raptors in the conference semifinals. It’s win or go home for the four teams. Who advances? Who bows out?

Here are the odds, preview and predictions for the NBA Playoff games for April 28 and 29, 2018:

April 28: Pelicans at Warriors Game 1

Odds: Warriors -550,Pelicans +375

Stephen Curry has returned to full practice mode but is still considered as questionable in Game 1. Curry’s presence is important to the Dubs as he averaged 28 points per game in three games played against the Pelicans during the regular season. The Warriors won all those games.

Without Curry, the Pelicans’ duo of Rajon Rondo and Jrue Holiday should be better than the Warriors’ makeshift starting backcourt. However, because Klay Thompson is an elite defender, it will be interesting to see how many points Jrue Holiday can score per game.

Holiday’s production is important because in Round 1, his 27.8 points per game was the big difference against the Blazers. Not only was Holiday the second best scorer for the Pelicans, his offensive exploits helped spread the floor for Davis to flourish. For the Pelicans to have a shot at beating the champs, Davis must run wild again and he can only do that if Holiday continues to score points.

Kevin Durant will be Golden State’s main weapon again. KD’s averaging 28.2 points in the postseason and 27.3 against New Orleans during the regular season. Draymond Green has the unenviable task of trying to stop Anthony Davis. The Brow averaged 33.0 points and 14.0 rebounds per game against the Warriors during the regular season so Green should have his hands full in this series.

If you take a look at history, the Warriors have been dominant over the Pelicans. Since the 2012-13 season, these teams have played each other a total of 26 times, regular season and playoffs combined. The Warriors have won 24 out of those 26 games, including three of four this season.


The Pelicans have been red hot in the playoffs so the law of averages tells us that they are due for an off night soon. With Golden State’s defensive prowess ( #3 in points allowed in the playoffs ) and postseason experience, that off night should be Game 1. The Pelicans will make a good series out of this matchup but we’re picking the Golden State Warriors to win Game 1.

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April 28: Bucks at Celtics Game 7

Odds: Celtics -200, Bucks +170

Al Horford is the man to watch for Boston because in the three games that the Celtics have won, Horford has averaged 20.67 points per game. However, Horford has averaged just 13 points per game in Boston’s three losses. In a series where the average winning margin has been 9.33 points per game, Horford must show up for Boston in Game 7.

It’s not only Boston’s offense that has struggled in the playoffs. Their defense, which was ranked 3rd in the league ( 100.4 points allowed per game ) during the regular season, has given up 102.8 points per game during the playoffs and 105.56 in the playoff games they’ve so far lost. For the Celtics to win, they must play better defense in Game 7.

Milwaukee’s 106.4 points per game ranked 15th among 30 NBA teams during the regular season. That number has dropped to 102.8 during these playoffs. Defensively, Milwaukee gave up 106.8 points per game in the regular season, 16th best in the NBA. Their defense has picked up to 100.8 points per game in the playoffs.

For the Bucks, Jabari Parker should be the barometer. Although Parker scored just 9 points in Game 6, he has averaged 14.0 points per game in the Bucks’ three wins. During their losses, Parker has scored just 6.33 during their three losses. So if there’s one man who’s got to get going for the Bucks, it’s Jabari Parker.

While momentum is on Milwaukee’s side, History sides with Boston. In the history of the NBA Playoffs, 83% of the teams that win Game 5 in a best of seven playoff series that was tied at two games apiece have gone on to win the series. Likewise, the home team has won every game in this series and with Game 7 to be played at the TD Garden, the Celtics are the safe pick here.


The Bucks have proven themselves to be a worthy playoff opponent and Giannis Antetokounmpo has proved to be the real deal. But while the Bucks have the best player in the series, Boston has the better team and the better coach. Brad Stevens is going to make the right adjustments in Game 7. We’re picking the Celtics to win the series. In Brad We Trust.

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April 29: Pacers at Cavaliers Game 7

Odds: Cavaliers -260, Pacers +220

Cleveland will only go as far as LeBron James can take them. Everything begins and ends with the King for the Cavs and obviously, they need another superhuman effort from him to pull off this series. When James scores 30 points or more, the Cavs have won, When he’s scored less, they’ve lost.

On the other hand, the Pacers will look to Victor Oladipo again. ‘Dipo scored 32 and 28 points in Indiana’s best games of the series. Meanwhile, he failed to score in the 20’s in two of their three losses.

History doesn’t favor the Pacers. LeBron James has never lost a first round series in 12 playoff appearances. Plus, the Cavs are playing at home in Game 7. In 128 Game 7s in NBA playoff history, the home team has won 102 times or 80%. But you can’t really rely on history in this series. Not with this Pacers.

Coming into this series, LeBron James had never lost a Game 1 in the first round. Indiana blew them out 98-80. Prior to Game 6, LeBron had won 11 consecutive closeout games in the postseason. The Pacers beat the Cavs 121-87 in Game 6 in the most lopsided game of the series. So if there’s a team who can beat LBJ’s history, it’s Indiana.

There is no questioning LeBron’s ability to deliver under pressure. The question is how far can he keep up this pace. James has played an average of 40.84 minutes per game in this series. Good thing Game 6 was a blowout because it allowed him to sit out the entire fourth quarter. Still, one has to wonder how much is left in the King James gas tank after what he’s done in six games.


Cleveland will always be the favorite here because of LeBron James. But this game could go either way really. All Cleveland wins were each by four points or less and two were with LBJ scoring more than 40 points. The Pacers own the two most decisive wins of the series. Between having the best player in the series and having the the team that is playing better in the series, we’d pick the latter. We’re picking the Pacers to win Game 7

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April 29: Jazz at Rockets Game 1

Odds: Rockets -760, Jazz +540

The Rockets swept the regular season meeting between these teams 4-0, beating the Jazz by double digits in every game and with an average winning margin of 17.5 points. Houston had the best home record in the NBA during the regular season at 34-7 while the Jazz were just a modest 20-21 on the road.

The Rockets were a close second to the Warriors in offensive efficiency at 112.2 points per 100 possessions while the Jazz were a shade off the Celtics for the 2nd best defensive team in the league at 101.6 points per 100 possessions allowed. It’s going to be a battle between offense and defense. But Rudy Gobert is just one and the Rockets may have too many weapons.

When you talk about the Houston Rockets, you’re talking about a record breaking three point shooting team. Houston led the league in almost all three point categories during the regular season. And while Utah is a defensive stud, they were only ranked 17th in the NBA in three point field goal percentage allowed.

Houston has 7 players in the playoffs making at least 1.6 three pointers per game and that’s already at least 11.3 three point makes per outing. In terms of totals, the Rockets make 4 more three pointers per game in the playoffs than the Jazz and that difference may be already too much in the postseason.

The Jazz will look to rookie Donovan Mitchell to take them to the land of promise. Mitchell is averaging a sensational 28.5 points, 7.2 rebounds, 2.7 assists and 1.5 steals per game. But if Ricky Rubio misses Game 1 with the hamstring injury, that’s going to cost the Jazz 16.8 points and 7.8 assists per game. They beat the Thunder without Rubio in Game 6 but the Rockets are a totally different animal.


Donovan Mitchell proved his worth in Round 1 and without doubt, he is the next big thing in the NBA. But while he outplayed the 2017 NBA MVP in that series, he will be up against the big thing and most probable 2018 MVP in James Harden. The Rockets are well rested and are playing at home. Give me the Rockets to win Game 1.

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Fedor Emelianenko vs Frank Mir

Bellator 198: Fedor Emelianenko vs Frank Mir Odds, Preview and Prediction

Way back in 2004, Frank Mir became UFC Heavyweight champion in the United States while Fedor Emelianenko ruled the PRIDE promotion thousands of miles away in Japan. And if this fight happened back then, it would have been a super fight to the truest sense of the word. But that never happened.

The careers of Frank Mir and Fedor Emelianenko looked like they were destined to be parallels. That was until Frank Mir was suspended in 2015 for a banned substance he denies he ever used. While serving his sentence, Mir asked for his release from the UFC. When it was granted, he signed with rival Bellator where Emelianenko had just made his debut two month earlier.

On Saturday April 28th, Frank Mir will make his Bellator debut and his return to MMA after a two year suspension at Bellator 198 at the Allstate Arena in Rosemont, Illinois. Mir’s opponent? None other than Fedor Emelianenko. The bout that has eluded MMA fans for over a decade has been finally booked and it’s happening now. Call it a little too late but as they say, it’s better late than never.

A Legacy Fight

Mir and Emelianenko will face off in the main event of Bellator 198. It will be the third bout in the ongoing Bellator Heavyweight Grand Prix Tournament which will crown Bellator’s next Heavyweight champion. The winner of the fight will move on to face Chael Sonnen in the semifinal round. Sonnen beat Quinton ‘Rampage’ Jackson in his opening bout. But more than the tournament and the belt at stake, it’s a part of their legacy that Mir and Emelianenko are fighting for.

Emelianenko has always been regarded as the greatest heavyweight of all-time, owing to his unprecedented run at PRIDE. But Mir revolutionized the heavyweight division with his submissions and he won the title in the UFC twice ( although the other one was interim ). So while he isn’t in the GOAT conversation, a win over Fedor will validate his greatness.

Emelianenko’s legacy is already set in stone and he’s already beaten former UFC champions Tim Sylvia and Andrei Arlovski at Affliction. Beating Frank Mir won’t decide who the best heavyweight is today, but it will have a great effect on how fans, especially in the U.S., will remember the great Fedor Emelianenko.

Fedor’s Power and Striking

Frank Mir is the favorite here at a -145 while Fedor came back at a + 115. Fedor’s strengths have always been his speed and timing as he uses both to set up his big right hand. But those attributes are linked to age and with both men no longer spring chickens when they meet on Saturday night, it’s easy to think why the bookies are slightly leaning towards Mir.

Before Khabib Nurmagomedov, there was Fedor Emelianenko. A former combat sambo champion, striking has been the main theme of Emelianenko’s MMA career. Fedor puts pressure on his opponents by applying an unforgiving pace. He leads with a left hand jab that sets up his powerful right hand.

Since Emelianenko is the smaller fighter in this bout, he will dart in and out while attacking with high volume. Movement should be crucial for Fedor in this fight because he has the advantage in speed. If he doesn’t use it and just chooses to slug it out with the bigger man in a phone booth war, it could end up to be a disaster for the Last Emperor.

Mir’s Submission Skills

While Mir isn’t known for the punching power that Fedor became a legend for, the American can hold his own in striking exchanges owing to his karate background. And being the bigger man, you’ve got to believe that size has the advantage if Fedor chooses to be stationary. So while Fedor has the edge in a stand up battle, he can’t just stand and trade without moving around the cage.

Mir meanwhile wants the opposite. Because of his size, he can easily tie up Emelianenko against the fence and force this fight to the ground where he is most comfortable. Mir is one of the most unique heavyweights we’ve seen because of his submission skills. In fact, he holds the UFC heavyweight record for most submission wins. If Mir gets this fight to the ground, Fedor must force the fight back to a stand-up or he could end up getting submitted.

Ring rust may be a cause of concern because of Mir’s two year layoff but given his vast experience, that may not be as much a factor as one might think. Sure, there is always the possibility that Fedor ends up victorious with a one punch knockout because Mir has always been susceptible to getting laid with power shots. But we think he’s got what it takes to survive Fedor’s early onslaught and once he weathers the storm, he’s going to catch Emelianenko with a submission move after round one.

Our Pick

Fedor should have his moments, but we’re picking Frank Mir to win this fight inside the distance.

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NBA Playoffs 2018 Basketball Court

NBA Playoff Odds, Preview, and Predictions for April 27, 2018

After epic performances by LeBron James and Russell Westbrook in Game 5 of their respective best-of-seven first-round series, their teams enter April 27th with different goals in mind.

LeBron James’ spectacular game-saving block and game-winning three-pointer on Wednesday gave the Cleveland Cavaliers their first lead of their first-round series at 3-2. The Cavs hope to get an encore from King James on Friday as they try to eliminate the Indiana Pacers in Indiana.

While Cleveland is trying to move on to the next round, the Oklahoma City Thunder are looking to equalize their own best-of-seven first-round series against the Utah Jazz. The Thunder are riding high on Russell Westbrook’s 45-point effort during their Game 5 victory where they overcame a 25-point third-quarter deficit.

Here are the odds, previews, and our predictions for the NBA Playoff games on April 27, 2018.

Cavs at Pacers – Game 6

Cavs +105, Pacers -125)

LeBron James was simply breathtaking in Game 5, doing everything on the court for the Cleveland Cavaliers. Another monster night for the King, another victory for his Cavs. Really, Cleveland’s success in this series isn’t hard to decode. It’s just two words: King James.

James has scored at least 32 points in his team’s three victories, averaging 40.67 points per game in those games. Meanwhile, he’s averaged just 26 points per game in Cleveland’s two losses to Indiana this series. Save for Game 1, James’ FG attempts have almost been the same in the last four games. The only difference is that he’s shot above 54.5% during victories but not more than 45.5%.

Victor Oladipo’s playoff average is 3 points off his regular-season scoring average. That’s not too bad. But what is worrying is that Oladipo’s point output has steadily decreased from game to game: 32 to 22 to 18 to 17 to 12. Like James in Cleveland, Indiana’s regular-season success was because of Oladipo flourishing in their offense. If they want to see a Game 7, Oladipo has to pick up the pace. It’s now or never for the Pacers.

Both teams have won once each in the other team’s home court, so that won’t be too much of a factor in Game 6, as it hasn’t been all series long. Save for the Game 1 blowout, the average winning margin in this series (Games 2-5) has only been just four points, with Games 2, 3, and 5 decided by just one possession.

The Cavs and LeBron have the momentum here, but given how close the series has been despite LeBron’s superhuman effort, the Pacers aren’t goners yet. He may be the best today, but you can’t expect LeBron to put up the same numbers in Game 6 (or else he’s Superman). Meanwhile, Oladipo is due for an explosion after three straight off nights, and yes, Cleveland is winless in Indiana in four tries dating back to the regular season.

Our Pick

Victor Oladipo is going to bounce back, and the Pacers are going to win Game 6 at home.

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Raptors at Wizards – Game 6

(Raptors +110, Wizards -130)

Okay, so we didn’t mention this game at the top of our article. But that doesn’t mean that this one’s got a sure winner already. Not by any means. Like the Pacers, the Washington Wizards are down 2-3 and fighting for playoff survival. They nearly had the upset in Game 5, being up 87-82 in the final five minutes of play. But the Raptors pulled through with big contributions from their bench.

We know that DeMar DeRozan and Kyle Lowry are Toronto’s main gunners, but if there’s a trend in this series, it’s not both starting guards putting up big numbers. It’s Delon Wright scoring in double figures. In Toronto’s three wins, Wright has averaged 15.66 points per game. During their losses, Wright has put up just 6.5 points per outing.

John Wall and Bradley Beal have clicked together in the last three games of the series, and for Washington to have a chance here, the two must score in the 20s once again. Wall has been consistently good in this series, while Beal has been the barometer. When Beal scores more than 20 points, the Wizards win. If he doesn’t, the Raptors are victorious.

The home team has won every game in this series, so you’ve got to like Washington’s chances here. We know that Toronto is the much better team in this series, but the Washington Wizards just won’t go away.

Our Pick

They’re playing at home, and the Wizards are 3-1 against the Raptors in DC this season. So we’re picking the Washington Wizards to win and push the series to a Game 7.

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Thunder at Jazz

(Thunder +200, Jazz -250)

The Utah Jazz was 15 minutes away from eliminating the Oklahoma City Thunder on Wednesday. But Russell Westbrook went berserk by scoring 20 points in the third quarter, and the Thunder rallied from 25 points down to push the series to a Game 6. Now, the Jazz must take away Westbrook’s swagger, because if not, he’s going to take over this series.

Westbrook and George have combined to average 54.6 points per game in this series, but aside from the two, only Carmelo Anthony is averaging in double figures at 12.4 PPG. Meanwhile, the Jazz has six players averaging at least 10 points per game, led by rookie Donovan Mitchell’s 26.6 points per game.

Obviously, Utah is the better team here, both on and off the court. They play well as a unit, while the Thunder play well as individuals. The Jazz won three games and was up 25 points with 8 minutes left in the third quarter before OKC’s historic comeback happened, so they’ve been pretty much in control of the situation before that meltdown in Game 5.

The Jazz has outplayed the Thunder wherever they have played in this series. OKC, meanwhile, has won just once in Utah in four games this season (regular season and playoffs), and the only time the Jazz lost to the Thunder at home was when Rudy Gobert didn’t play. Unless something sudden happens, Gobert is a lock to play in Game 6, so that’s going to be a problem for OKC.

Our Pick

We like OKC’s momentum and their star power. But the longer this series goes, the more likely the better team will be victorious. We’re picking the Jazz to win and wrap up the series.

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2018 NBA MVP Top Choices

Who Will Be The NBA’s 2018 MVP?

The MVP is the highest individual award given out annually by the National Basketball Association ( NBA ). It is given to the best performing player during a given NBA season. There are no specific criteria for coming up with the winner. The award is voted upon by a panel of sportswriters and broadcasters across the United States.

This year’s MVP will be announced on Monday, June 25th at 9 PM (ET) during the NBA Awards 2018 show. Let’s take a look at who are the favorites to win this year’s NBA MVP award.

Early Favorites

Before the season began, LeBron James was the oddsmakers choice at +400. James shared that top spot with the Spurs’ Kawhi Leonard while Kevin Durant was third at +450 and Westbrook fourth at +500. But as the season has progressed, plenty has changed.

Leonard has played just 9 games this season due to a quad injury. Westbrook’s numbers haven’t been the same, mainly because of the arrival of Paul George and Carmelo Anthony in Oklahoma City. James and Durant are still considered 1 and 2, the best players in the planet but this year has belonged to James Harden and the Houston Rockets who had the best regular season record in the NBA this season at 65-17.

As of the latest odds from BetOnline ( given last March 3rd ), here are the oddsmakers latest favorites to win the 2018 NBA MVP Award:

  • James Harden -290
  • LeBron James +275
  • Giannis Antetokounmpo +1400
  • Stephen Curry +2000
  • Kyrie Irving +2000
  • Kevin Durant +2000
  • Russell Westbrook +2200
  • Anthony Davis +2500
  • Chris Paul +3300

Those are the oddsmakers’ choice. Now here are our top five picks to win the NBA MVP award for the 2017-18 season:

1. James Harden

This is the Year of the Beard no doubt about that. Where do we start? Harden led the NBA in scoring at 30.4 points per game and was third in assists at 8.8 dimes per contest. He also led the league in free throws made ( 624 ), three-pointers made ( 265 ) and player efficiency rating.

Want more? Advanced statistics say Harden led the NBA in win shares (15.4 ), offensive win shares ( 11.2 ), win shares per 48 minutes ( .289 ) and box plus/minus ( 10.9 ). Still not enough? Harden led the league this season with four 50 point games, including the NBA’s first ever 60 point triple-double on January 30, 2018.

Numbers aside, James Harden carried the Rockets when Chris Paul was hurt. When Paul returned, he made them even better. His playmaking skills have made the likes of P.J. Tucker and Luc Mbah Moute look good and guys like Trevor Ariza and Eric Gordon look better.

In the NBA’s three-point era, Harden’s regular season statline of 30 PPG/ 8 APG / 5 RPG has only been matched twice before: by Russell Westbrook in 2017 and Michael Jordan in 1989. The Beard finished second to Russell Westbrook during last year’s MVP voting. This is Harden’s revenge year. Last year’s bridesmaid is likely this year’s bride.

2. LeBron James

When he was asked last month, LeBron James said he’d vote for himself as the 2018 MVP. While that may have sounded self-serving at first, it’s hard to argue with him, not just because he is King but because of how he’s played this season.

Like any machine, the human body is subject to wear and tear. The more mileage you’ve had, the slower you are supposed to be. LeBron James is a machine but he’s one like no other because after completing 15 NBA seasons, the King seems to be getting better and better. Now 33, James is playing as well as he’s ever had. And he’s not showing any signs of slowing down.

James finished the regular season with averages of 27.5 points, 8.6 rebounds, 9.1 assists and 1.4 steals per game. 9.1 assists per game is a career high for King James while his rebounding average tied a career-best too. Meanwhile, James’ scoring average is his highest since 2010 when he was on his first tour of duty with the Cavaliers. Talk about playing in your 15th season.

This season, James became the 7th player in the history of the NBA to score 30,000 career points. He is the youngest player to achieve that milestone. This year too, he became the first player in the history of the league to score 30,000 points, grab 8,000 rebounds and hand out 8,000 assists, putting himself on a pedestal all by himself.

3. Anthony Davis

When the New Orleans Pelicans lost All-Star center DeMarcus Cousins to a season-ending Achilles injury on January 26, 2018, they were given up for dead. But instead of just giving up on their season, the Pelicans fought back behind their young superstar Anthony Davis.

Since January 26th, Davis is the only player in the league to average at least 30 points per game at 30.1 PPG. Over that period, Davis also averaged 11.9 rebounds, 2.2 assists, 2.0 steals and 3.2 blocks per game. He also shot the ball at a high 51.2% from the floor and 33.3% from behind the three-point arc.

Because of his exploits, Davis was named as the Western Conference Player for the months of February and March 2018, beating out the likes of James Harden, Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant and Damian Lillard for the said honors.

Davis was especially exceptional in the month of February where he averaged 35.9 points, 12.8 rebounds and 2.6 steals per game while shooting 50.9% from the field and 34.2% from behind the three-point line. With those numbers, Davis became the second player in NBA history to average at least 35 points and 10 rebounds in one calendar month.

4. Giannis Antetokounmpo

The Greek Freak continued his ascent to NBA superstardom. After winning the NBA’s Most Improved Player award in 2017, Antetokounmpo got better the following season. He posted career highs in points ( 26.9 PPG ) and rebounds ( 10.0 RPG ). Antetokounmpo also had 42 double-doubles this season, 10 more than his previous career best.

Giannis started the season hot. His first four games scoring a total of 147 points was one point better than the franchise record set by Kareem Abdul Jabbar in 1971. A game later, Antetokounmpo’s first five games total of 175 points, 53 rebounds, and 28 assists were better than anybody else in the history of the NBA.

After being named as an All-Star starter this season, Antetokounmpo became the first player in Bucks’ history since Marques Johnson in 1979-80 to start on two consecutive All-Star games.

Last season, Antetokounmpo became the first player in NBA history to lead his team in points, rebounds, assists, steals, and blocks during the same season. This year, Antetokounmpo led the Bucks in the same departments except in shot blocks.

5. Damian Lillard

The surprise rise of the Portland Trail Blazers during the second half of the season put Damian Lillard in MVP conversation. And rightfully so, because winning time in Portland is Dame Time.

Lillard ranked 4th in the NBA in scoring during the regular season, producing 26.9 points per game. At 6-3, Lillard and Kyrie Irving ( ranked 8th ) are the shortest players in the Top 10 of the NBA’s scoring list. Dame was also 10th in assists this season, averaging 6.6 dimes per game. But what makes Lillard really stand out is his advanced statistics.

Dame ranked 5th in win shares, behind Harden, Karl Anthony Towns, LeBron and A.D. He also ranked third in the offensive box plus/minus (behind Steph Curry and James Harden ) and fourth in offensive win shares ( behind Harden, Bron, and KAT ).

Like Anthony Davis, Lillard entered the MVP race in February where the Blazers made a run for home-court advantage in the playoffs. Portland broke open what was once a tight battle for the third seed in the West. Lillard was the catalyst, averaging 31.4 points, 6.7 assists, and 4.0 rebounds during the second calendar month of the year.

The 2018 NBA MVP Is…

Many say that the 2018 NBA MVP race has been narrowed down to James Harden and LeBron James and that may be the case. Not only did both put up impressive statistics and break several NBA records this season, they were able to make the most impact in their respective teams.

If given the chance to pick between Harden and James, we’d pick Harden not only because he has better numbers but because his team achieved more success than James’ squad. Sure, everyone says Harden’s job is easier because he has Chris Paul, but remember that when CP3 was hurt, Harden proved he can carry the Rockets on his back.

This year is the Year of the Beard and James Harden will be the next NBA MVP.

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AT&T Stadium - 2018 NFL Draft Logo

2018 NFL Draft: Who Will Be Number 1?

The National Football League’s 83rd annual rookie draft will take place on April 26-28, 2018 (8 PM ET) at the AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas. It will be the first draft to be held in the state of Texas and the first draft to be held in an NFL stadium.

Browns Picking First

The Cleveland Browns own five of the top 64 picks in this year’s NFL Draft, including the #1 overall pick and the 4th pick, which they acquired in a previous trade with the Texans.

Since rejoining the NFL in 1999, the Browns have started 28 different quarterbacks. That’s more than one per year if you bother to count. The recently-acquired Tyrod Taylor will be the 29th, and he’s likely not the future franchise quarterback but merely a bridge to that guy.

The #1 pick in the 2018 NFL Draft will most probably give the Browns that franchise quarterback and they have four (or five) top QB options to choose from. With the 4th pick, the Browns are expected to draft a non-play caller.

The Oddsmakers’ Choice

According to the bookmakers, these are the top 7 possible #1 picks for the Cleveland Browns.

Sam Darnold -250

Sam Darnold’s dazzling display at the USC ProDay last month probably clinched for him the #1 overall pick in the 2018 NFL Draft. Darnold refused to move his throwing session because of rain, and he shined in front of a Browns contingent that included owner Jimmy Haslam.

The USC Trojan doesn’t have the rifle arm of Dan Marino, but he has the uncanny ability to put the ball in a position where his receivers have a realistic chance of making a catch. Among the QBs in the draft, he may be the most physically gifted and tough to put down in the pocket.

Josh Allen +175

If it’s not Sam Darnold, it’s got to be Josh Allen. The Browns have to use the #1 pick for a quarterback. The Browns like Allen’s size, speed, escapability, and arm strength. But coaches around the league are concerned about his 56.2% pass completion because the success record for QBs with a college completion percentage of below 58% isn’t great in the NFL.

There are several factors in that 56.2%, like Allen’s evolving footwork or his lack of supporting cast in Wyoming. Regardless, we’ve seen him shorten his stride since working with Jordan Palmer, and with enough time, his completion percentage can be the exception to the rule.

Saquon Barkley +500

Saquon Barkley is firmly in the mix for top pick conversation after killing it in the NFL Scouting Combine in Indianapolis. At 6 feet tall and 233 pounds, Barkley proved to be the most explosive “big” running back in the last 18 years of the Combine.

With the speed of an elite receiver and the strength of an elite lineman, Barkley is simply a jaw-dropping NFL prospect. In three seasons at Penn State, he rushed for close to 4,000 yards and scored 51 touchdowns from scrimmage, 1 from passing, and 2 on kickoff returns.

Josh Rosen +1000

Just because his name isn’t often linked to the Browns in the national media coverage doesn’t mean the Browns aren’t considering making Josh Rosen the top overall pick for this year’s draft.

Rosen’s size is better than Darnold, yet it’s funny how they say he is undersized and Darnold is the prototype. When he threw in the Combine, his deep balls were better than Josh Allen’s. The UCLA QB’s pocket presence is better than that of the other top QB prospects, so having said all these, there’s a chance – although just slight – that the Browns may pick him at #1.

Baker Mayfield +2000

Media and experts say that it’s a toss between Sam Darnold and Josh Allen, but Browns’ GM John Dorsey said last month that it’s still a toss-up between the top 4 QBs, meaning Darnold, Allen, Rosen, and Baker Mayfield.

Dorsey also added that Mayfield had a “really good” workout with the Browns. Since the Senior Ball in January, Dorsey has praised Mayfield’s character and passion for football. Sure, he may be a longshot, but given that he has that “face of the franchise” personality, who knows?

Bradley Chubb +3300

Adding Bradley Chubb to a defensive line that already has Myles Garrett and Emmanuel Ogbah would be nasty, and Garrett is already hoping that the three of them can wreak havoc around the NFL.

Browns’ GM John Dorsey has been high on him since the Combine, but because they need a QB more than a defensive end, Cleveland would probably take him with their 4th pick, if he’s still on the board.

Minkah Fitzpatrick +6600

Alabama defensive back Minkah Fitzpatrick has been included in this conversation because of his versatility. Browns’ head coach Hue Jackson acknowledged that Fitzpatrick can indeed play both cornerback and free safety.

He hasn’t worked out with the Browns yet, but Jackson assured that if the Browns end up picking him, the Browns have the right spot for him in the organization.

Looking Ahead to the 2018 NFL Season

While the Browns are expected to add at least two key players for their future, the immediate future says that the New England Patriots and Philadelphia Eagles are going to be the top 2 teams in the upcoming season. Or at least that’s what the odds are saying.

New England is currently the favorite at +500. Sure, they lost to the Eagles the last time around, but with Tom Brady not yet retiring, the Patriots are still going to be a very dangerous team. But then, of course, if coach Bill Belichick decides to hang up his sweater, it may be a different story.

Super Bowl LII winners Philadelphia Eagles are next at +900, and rightfully so. They won the Super Bowl without their starting QB, and that speaks about the talent on this team. If Carson Wentz can return back to his old form, the sky is likely the limit for the defending champions.

The Green Bay Packers, L.A. Rams, and the Pittsburgh Steelers are tied with the next best odds at +1000. With Aaron Rodgers set to return, the Packers should contend. The Rams have the top scoring offense in the NFL, while the Steelers have a winning percentage of .696 over the past three seasons.

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Boxing Ring and UFC The Octagon Fight Night

April 21, 2018 Boxing and MMA Fight Odds and Predictions

Saturday, April 21st will be a loaded day for fight fans. That’s because both boxing and the UFC are having busy schedules for that day. In boxing, at least two world titles will be on the line on April 21 while in the UFC, rankings will be at stake.

Let’s take a look at who’s fighting who on April 21st:

Carl Frampton vs Nonito Donaire
12 Rounds, Interim WBO Featherweight title
Odds: Frampton: -600, Donaire: +400

Carl Frampton and Nonito Donaire square off for the interim WBO featherweight title at the SSE Arena in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

This East vs West battle is one of the more intriguing matches of the year with Frampton risking his ranking and reputation against an aging but dangerous former multiple time world champion in Donaire.

Frampton’s aggressive, come-forward style matches well with Donaire’s vaunted offensive attack. Both fighters have knockout power and aren’t shy to slug it out inside the boxing ring. If your looking for action, you came to the right fight.

Retiring The Flash

Frampton has won five of his last six bouts and has bounced back nicely from his loss to Leo Santa Cruz. However, the Jackal’s last four victories have been by decision and he’s not recorded a knockout since Chris Avalos in 2015. With this fight being held in front of his countrymen, expect Frampton to try and send Donaire to an early retirement.

Donaire has seen his better years pass him already but he isn’t about to call it quits. The Filipino Flash is coming off a win over little known Ruben Garcia Hernandez last September but he’s not produced a meaningful win since losing to Guillermo Rigondeaux in 2013.

Main Weapons

Frampton’s money punch is his right cross while Donaire’s main weapon is the left hook. Now this is where it becomes interesting. Donaire is a good two inches taller than Frampton and for the shorter fighter to land the right cross against a taller foe, he must be able to walk through his opponent’s punches. To do that though, Frampton has to taste Donaire’s vaunted left hook, his best punch, to be able to land his own best punch.

At 35, Donaire isn’t the same fighter who won BWAA 2012 Fighter of the Year. But that left hook is still there. It was the punch that ended Vic Darchinyan’s rule, the one that sent Jorge Arce out cold and the one that nearly dropped Nicholas Walters. If Frampton can take that punch, then the Jackal is going to win this fight easy. However, if Donaire’s punches hurt Frampton, this is going to be an interesting bout.

Negating Donaire’s Power

Frampton’s advantage though is that he’s been fighting at featherweight longer and maybe he can offset Donaire’s height advantage with being the naturally bigger fighter. And while Donaire may be durable to stand toe to toe with him, Frampton’s size will make him take Donaire’s power well. Once Donaire’s power is negated, age is going to be a factor.

This won’t be a easy fight for Frampton. In fact, it’s a dangerous one. But given his youth and his ability to fight in the later rounds, he should be able to withstand the challenge and beat Donaire in a hard, tough 12 rounder. The home crowd should help motivate him as this fight goes longer.

Our Pick

In the end, we’re picking the younger, bigger fighter. And that’s Carl Frampton: The Jackal by unanimous decision or late stoppage.

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Gervonta Davis vs Jesus Cuellar
12 Rounds- WBA ( regular ) Super Featherweight title
Odds: Davis: -450, Cuellar: +350

Gervonta ‘Tank’ Davis will face Jesus Cuellar for the vacant WBA ( regular ) super featherweight title at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York.

Tank Davis held a similar super featherweight belt last year when he knocked out Jose Pedraza in 7 rounds for the IBF title last January 2017. But he lost the belt on the scales in his second title defense against Francisco Fonseca. Instead of moving up in weight, Davis decided to return and fight for another title in this division.

Jesus Cuellar is fighting for the first time since losing to Abner Mares in 2016. At 31, he is moving up in weight to face Davis. Given that he was a world champion with five successful title defenses at featherweight, the rough and tough Argentine should provide Davis all that he can handle.

Top Young Fighter

Tank Davis has moved up the ladder as one of the top young American fighters in the sport. He’s undefeated in 19 bouts and has won 18 of those by stoppage. He traveled to England to halt British super featherweight champion Liam Walsh in his first title defense in May 2017.

Jesus Cuellar won an interim featherweight title before winning the secondary WBA featherweight belt. His resume is impressive, with wins over the likes of Juan Manuel Lopez, Vic Darchinyan and Jonathan Oquendo. Cuellar is 28-2 with 21 KOs with his only lossed coming at the hands of Oscar Escandon And Mares.

Cuellar’s Ring Rust

The first factor to consider here is Davis’ activity and Cuellar’s ring rust. That’s because this is Davis sixth bout since 2016 and he fought three times last year. Meanwhile, Cuellar has only fought once since December 2015 and that was the loss to Mares. It will be interesting to see how taking too much time off is going to affect Cuellar’s rhythm.

We rarely see someone coming from such a long break, get back into the ring right away with a top caliber fighter because usually, these guys take a tune-up fight first. But Cuellar is going to the lion’s den right away and while you have to love his bravado, you’ve got to be worried about his conditioning.

Pressure Fighter

Davis is like a pitbull inside the ring. He pressures his opponents like a predator does his prey and he also has extremely powerful fists. His defense is often underestimated because of his one punch knockout power. But he does have good footwork and head movement that enables him to dart in and out very quickly.

Cuellar also has plenty of pop in his punches and he also possesses good hand speed. He’s stepped up his competition since coming to the United States and has shown that he can hold his own. He can be wild at times though with his haymakers and that makes him wide open to be countered.

Our Pick

Only a few can hang with Gervonta Davis when he’s in his element. For as long as he trained well for this fight and takes Cuellar seriously, he’s staying unbeaten. We’re picking Gervonta Davis to win by knockout.

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UFC Fight Night 128
Edson Barboza vs Kevin Lee
5 round main event
Odds: Barboza: +110, Lee: -130

Edson Barboza faces Kevin Lee in the main event of UFC Fight Night 128 at the Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City in New Jersey.

This will be the UFC’s first event in Atlantic City since 2014 and its first at the Boardwalk Hall since 2004.

The 7th ranked Lee was hoping to welcome Nate Diaz back to the UFC on this event. Instead, Lee gets a better assignment in the person of #4 Edson Barboza in what could be one of the most underrated main events of the year. With both fighters hoping to join the title picture at 155 pounds, this should be a slugfest between two exciting fighters.

Coming Off Losses

Edson Barboza is known as one of the best strikers in the history of the division, owing to his kickboxing background. 11 of his 19 MMA wins have come via stoppage. After he lost to Tony Ferguson in the TUF 22 Finale, Barboza beat Anthony Pettis and Gilbert Melendez in consecutive bouts. However, the Brazilian is coming off a loss to newly crowned lightweight champion Khabib Nurmagomedov last December.

Like Barboza, Lee is coming off a loss in his last fight. Lee lost to Tony Ferguson in an interim title bout last October. He’s won six of his last eight bouts and half of his 16 MMA wins have come via submission. Lee is hoping to return to the title picture with a win over a top five fighter.

Striker vs Submission Artist

Barboza is an active fighter and a volume striker. He is most dangerous in the stand up and can end the fight at any moment with his striking prowess. He also has excellent takedown defense and hasn’t been taken down in two of his three previous bouts.

Lee is also has a good striking game but he only uses it to set up his bread and butter ground game. As his record shows, he loves to take the fight to the ground and finish his opponents via submission.When he’s on the ground, he has good control and a million submission moves.

Going To The Ground

Barboza is the much bigger fighter here and he also has good takedown defense, with the exception of his fight against Khabib. If he prevents Kevin Lee from getting this fight to the ground, he has a great chance of winning this one. But Lee is simply aggressive with his takedowns and he’s more likely going to take this fight to the ground where he has the most advantage.

Lee has landed a takedown in each of his last six fights and this one shouldn’t be any different. Once he takes Barboza down, he takes away all his advantages and put him in unfamiliar waters. Just as Khabib pounded Barboza on the ground, so will Kevin Lee.

Our Pick

We’re picking Kevin Lee to beat Edson Barboza in a fight that will be fought on the canvass.

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Frankie Edgar vs Cub Swanson
UFC Fight Night 128 co-main event
3 round featherweight bout
Odds: Edgar: -225, Swanson: +175

New Jersey’s own Frankie Edgar returns to action against Cub Swanson at the co-main event of UFC Fight Night 128 at the Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Edgar is coming off the first knockout loss of his career when he was was halted by Brian Ortega at the recent UFC 222.

One of the most beloved fighters in the sport, Edgar was urged to retire by some people following the brutal KO at the hands of Ortega. But the Answer is set to give it one one more try, against a veteran who like him is looking for one last blaze of glory.

Extra Motivation

Like Edgar, Swanson’s last loss came at the hands of Ortega. However, his came via guillotine choke submission. Swanson has won 10 of his last 13 with all his losses during that period via submission. Interestingly, one of those three losses came at the hands of Frankie Edgar so that should be extra motivation here for Swanson.

It’s interesting why Frankie Edgar wanted to return right away after such a brutal defeat. It’s even more interesting why he chose to fight a dangerous opponent like Cub Swanson. But it is what it is and Frankie never backs down from any challenge, even if its from Cub Swanson.

Tough As Nails

Edgar is tough as nails. He has been a very consistent fighter throughout his career and has fought the best of the best. Edgar is likes to shoot for the takedown and dominate the fight with his grappling. Although he doesn’t have pure punching power, he has produced three knockouts in his last six fights.

If Edgar likes to be on the canvass, Swanson would prefer to fight on his feet. Known for his knockout power and accurate strikes, Swanson likes to slug it out with his opponents. But make no mistake, he can hold his own on the ground although he doesn’t have too many submission moves.

Fighting On The Ground

Egar won their first fight via fifth round submission via neck crank.. After that fight, Swanson has been submitted twice, both guillotine choke. So without further scouting report, you know that protecting his neck is a weakness. And look for Edgar to get hold of that neck.

With Edgar one of the most polished wrestlers in the division, you can expect him to duplicate his game plan in their first fight and that is to take Swanson down. If he does that, this is going to be his fight to win.

Our Pick

We’re picking Frankie Edgar to win this fight on the ground.

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Sixers vs Heat Game Playoffs Basketball Court

Sixers vs. Heat Game 2: Old Wade Played Like the Wade of Old

Miami Heat head coach Erik Spoelstra said last February that there’s something about Dwyane Wade when he puts on a Miami Heat jersey in front of the Heat’s crowd.

“He becomes very special,” Spoelstra said.

Deja Vu All Over Again

When Coach Spo said that, D-Wade had just scored 27 points and nailed the game-winner as the Heat won 102-101 against, well, the Philadelphia 76ers. On Monday night, it felt like deja vu all over again when Wade scored 28 points in 26 minutes to lead the Heat to a 113-103 win over the Sixers in Game 2 of their Eastern Conference first-round series.

Wade put on a show in the second quarter and put the game away in the fourth as the Heat tied their series at 1-1. He outscored the entire Sixers team 21-20 in the final 15 minutes of the first half, and when the Sixers threatened to 96-98 with less than five minutes to play, Wade took over the game and closed out the show in typical Father Prime fashion.

He stole the ball from Dario Saric and finished off the play with a dunk to give the Heat a 100-96 cushion. On their next possession, Wade delivered the assist to a cutting James Johnson for a dunk that increased their lead to 102-96. After a J.J. Redick miss on the other end, Wade grabbed the offensive rebound off a Goran Dragic miss. That rebound eventually led to a 17-footer by Dragic, 104-96 Heat. And then with 47.9 seconds left in the game, Wade sealed the win with a 20-foot jumper over Ben Simmons.

Turning Back the Hands of Time

At 36, Wade is no longer the Flash who thrilled basketball fans with dazzling moves and high-flying dunks. But while the Flash is gone, the Old Wade still has flashes of brilliance that bring back the Wade of Old. Known now as Father Prime, Dwyane Wade still has the ability to turn back the hands of time.

Wade’s 16 points in Game 2 enabled him to pass Celtics’ legend Larry Bird at 10th place in the NBA’s All-Time playoff scoring list. His 21 first-half points were the most in one half by a Heat player coming off the bench. His 28 points were the most in franchise history by any Heat player in the playoffs. Wade also became the only Heat player to score at least 25 points in a playoff game both while starting and as a reserve.

When the Heat brought back Wade at the trade deadline for a 2024 second-round pick, it was considered primarily as a gesture of goodwill from a franchise to the player who was its first-ever superstar. Wade was made in Miami. He gave the Heat their first-ever NBA title, and then helped them win two more.

Where It All Began

Sure, he left South Beach to play for his hometown Chicago Bulls, then moved on to play for his banana boat brother LeBron James in Cleveland. But there was no more fitting way to end a Hall of Fame career than to do so in the place where it all began. Miami gave him that opportunity, and he is rewarding him with the same brilliance he did 14 years ago.

It helped that the Heat locked down on the Sixers’ shooters, thus limiting Philadelphia’s three-point shooting. During their 17-game winning streak, the Sixers shot an NBA best 40% from the three-point area. On Monday, Miami’s perimeter defense held them to 7-36. Marco Belinelli shot just 2-8, and J.J. Redick went 1-7.

Five other Heat players scored in double digits, helping Father Prime with the scoring load, especially in the third period and the early part of the final quarter. But while the win was a team effort, most only remember the exploits of Wade and how one of the greats of this generation was able to deliver an instant classic.

Sixers Are Still Favorites

The Sixers are still favored to win over the Heat in Game 3 but not that much. Philadelphia is a -135 favorite, while Miami came back at +115. The 76ers have the more talented team in this matchup, but in the playoffs, experience matters more than anything else. Had they won Game 2 and taken a 2-0 lead, this series would probably be over in a hurry. But the longer this series goes, the more advantageous it will be for the Heat.

Miami has been here before, while the young Sixers are still learning postseason basketball on the fly. Sure, they won Game 1 via blowout, but remember that they won 16 games in a row before the playoffs began, so that was probably more of momentum than anything else. But now that their streak has been halted, can they regroup and win again? Or will they buckle under pressure?

Meanwhile, Miami has all the playoff experience in the world, and yes, they also have Dwyane Wade. D-Wade isn’t the best player in this series, but he may be the most valuable. When we talk of championship experience, Dwyane Wade has three championship rings. This entire Sixers team has none.

Home Court Matters

Miami’s American Airlines Arena has always been known to be hostile to visitors, especially in the playoffs, and that could be one big factor in Game 3. The Heat have won 10 of their last 12 games at home, and during the regular season, they won both of their games against the Sixers there.

There may be a chance, no matter how slim, that Joel Embiid returns for the Sixers in Game 3. But even then, Embiid played when the Sixers lost twice to the Heat during the regular season. We’re not saying that the Sixers are good as dead right now. But nobody knows how they will handle the pressure, especially coming into a big game like Game 3 and playing that game in their first-ever playoff road game as a team.

Miami has plenty going for them in Game 3. This is an opportunity for them to really break the Sixers’ back and change the complexion of the series. Not many are giving Miami the chance to go deep in the playoffs. But against an inexperienced team who will probably play without their best player again, we’re picking the Heat to win Game 3 at home.